Cranberry voordelen voor vrouwen

Cranberries are packed with healthy nutrients. They have been eaten for centuries for good reason and today women use Cranberries in combination with Bearberry for the urinary tract. The latter is good for bladder and kidney function and the urinary tract*. In this blog we delve deeper into the world of Cranberries and discover why they can be a valuable part of a healthy diet.

*Health claim pending approval by the European Commission.

What are cranberries?

Cranberries, or Giant Cranberries, are small, bright red fruits known for their unique, tart flavor and numerous healthy nutrients. For centuries, the ancient American Indians (the native people of the United States) have used cranberries. Not only because they are so healthy and the Indians saw them as medicinal berries, but also for the red dye they could make from them.

The cranberry plant

Cranberries originally come from North America. They now also grow in the Netherlands, for example on the Wadden Islands, and you can even buy them as a potted plant, to put in the garden at home. The plant belongs to the heather family and loves water and sun. In the past, we also called the Cranberry plant Lepeltjeheide.

Eating Cranberries

Cranberries can be eaten fresh, but they are often processed into juices, sauces and dried snacks. Often, in processed foods, such as juices, sauces and compotes, a lot of sugar is added to the cranberry, to mask the sour taste. But it is precisely the sour that makes the cranberry so special. And sugar of course makes the whole thing a bit less healthy.

In addition to their unique taste, cranberries also contain an impressive amount of nutrients. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. That is another reason to enjoy these special berries.

Cranberries in supplements

Cranberries are also used in supplements. This way you can easily and quickly get larger amounts of the healthy substances from Cranberries, than if you had to eat or drink the same amount. But beware: supplements can be an addition to your healthy diet, they are never a replacement.

Nutrients in Cranberry

Cranberries are packed with nutrients that are essential for a healthy body. They are rich in fiber, vitamin C and vitamin E, making them an excellent source of antioxidants. Another antioxidant in cranberries are the so-called proanthocyanidins. Cranberries also contain vitamin K and manganese.

The Benefits of Cranberry for Women

Cranberry contains a lot of healthy nutrients that are very healthy in themselves. But there is insufficient scientific evidence for a beneficial effect of this berry. Nevertheless, cranberry is often used in combination with other nutrients that have a beneficial effect on your bladder. Uva Ursi for example, or bearberry, is good for your bladder and urinary tract*. Bearberry also contains many antioxidants. These antioxidants protect your body cells against external influences*.

In addition, Cranberry is often combined with the use of vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the health of your immune system. As a result, it supports your resistance.

*Health claim pending approval by the European Commission.

Cranberry supplement OvaBalance

OvaBalance D-Mannose Complex contains D-mannose, Cranberry, Bearberry and vitamin C. Your body cannot become resistant to the D-Mannose Complex and it is full of natural nutrients. If you want to use it as a maintenance dose, take 1 to 2 tablets of this D-mannose Cranberry supplement daily. If your bladder could use some extra support, you can temporarily increase the dosage to 4 tablets per day.

The OvaBalance D-Mannose Complex contains standardized amounts of the ingredients and the supplement is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Please note: if you are pregnant, always consult your doctor about what is best for you. It is not recommended to use cranberries during pregnancy, because there is too little data on their safety. The same applies to women who are breastfeeding.

Read more about the OvaBalance D-Mannose supplement >>

Cranberry supplement: when to take?

It is best to take Cranberry supplements about two hours after dinner. This way, the substances from the supplement enter the bladder during the night, so that they have a long time to do their work.

Recipe: Cranberry Smoothie

As mentioned, you can drink cranberry juice pure, but not everyone is crazy about it. The taste of it. It is quite sour. You have to like that. Are you looking for a recipe that uses cranberries? Then try a simple and smoothie recipe to experience the healthy benefits of cranberries:


  • 1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 cup milk (or plant-based milk such as almond or coconut milk);
  • Handful of spinach;
  • Optional: Honey or agave syrup to taste.


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. And add some more milk if the smoothie is too thick or add more Cranberries if you want a stronger cranberry flavor. The honey or agave syrup will give it a sweeter flavor, as will the (ripe) banana.

You can also add other ingredients such as yogurt, oats or chia seeds for extra healthy additions to your smoothie. Experiment with different combinations to find your perfect cranberry smoothie.

Cranberries are delicious and healthy

Cranberries are not only delicious, but also incredibly healthy. With their high antioxidant and vitamin content, they are a great addition to your healthy diet. Whether you eat them fresh, drink them as juice or take them as a supplement: you can benefit from the many healthy nutrients that this small red berry has to offer.

What can you do to keep your bladder healthy?

Some tips for a healthy bladder and urinary tract:

  • Drink enough water : It is important to stay hydrated and drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day. This helps to keep your bladder well flushed. You can alternate drinking water with tea, for example, or a cup of coffee. Tip: start with two glasses of water in the morning, then you have already more than enough of the first 400 milliliters. That is a nice start.
  • Go to the toilet when you feel the urge : Try not to wait too long to urinate when you feel the urge. Delaying is not healthy for your bladder.
  • Practice good urinating posture : Make sure you have a relaxed posture, put your feet on the floor and sit upright on the toilet. Keep your knees slightly apart. This can help to empty the bladder properly and prevent problems. Tilt your pelvis a little after urinating and see if more comes out. Sometimes this helps to get rid of the last bit of urine from your bladder.
  • Avoid straining while urinating : Urinating vigorously is good, but try not to put too much pressure on your bladder while urinating. The most important thing is to urinate completely. So take your time to empty your bladder properly.
  • Train your pelvic floor muscles : Strong pelvic floor muscles help you maintain healthy bladder function.
  • Prevent (as much as possible) intestinal bacteria from entering the bladder . Therefore, always wipe from back to front and always pee after sex.

Read more about keeping your bladder healthy here >>

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