Hoeveel vitamine D3 per dag

How much vitamin D3 per day?

Time to read 2 min

With enough vitamin D3 in your body, you will literally become the sunshine in your home again. It supports the immune system, the normal functioning of muscles and has a beneficial effect on the cell division process. But then the question: 'how much vitamin D3 per day is recommended?'

Vitamin D - daily amount

We have known for some time that it is important to get enough vitamin D. Yet many people, 50% worldwide(1), have too little vitamin D in their bodies.
According to the Nutrition Center (2), the recommended amount of vitamin D is 10 micrograms per day . This is the minimum amount that the body really needs.

The Ovabalance vitamin D3 supplement contains 25 mg of the body's own variant of vitamin D, namely vitamin D3. But in a plant-based form because it comes from algae. 25 mg is the legally established amount of vitamin D in the Netherlands that one daily dose of a supplement may contain.

You can use vitamin D all year round. Especially in the winter months, because the sun's power is lower then. After all, we produce vitamin D in our skin under the influence of sunlight. But it is also good to continue this dosage in the summer.

Vitamin D extra important for certain groups

It is important for everyone to get enough vitamin D, but there are groups that need more vitamin D anyway than they can produce from sunlight and absorb from food.

This applies to young children (0-4 years) because vitamin D is important for building strong bones in children.

But vitamin D supplementation is also recommended for the elderly because of its beneficial effect on maintaining healthy, strong bones.

Vitamin D supplementation is also recommended for pregnant women.

People with dark or tinted skin produce less vitamin D under the influence of the sun. So a vitamin D supplement is also recommended for them.

Even if you rarely go outside or wear a veil, you hardly produce any vitamin D. And so you are largely dependent on the use of a vitamin D supplement.

Can you also take too much vitamin D?

An excessive amount of vitamin D in your body only occurs when you take too high doses as a supplement for a long time. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means that your body stores vitamin D that is not used immediately in fatty tissue. You do not urinate out a surplus, as happens with many other (water-soluble) vitamins. This also makes it possible to get a surplus of vitamin D in your body.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) therefore uses a maximum amount of 100 micrograms of vitamin D for adults per day. And Dutch law stipulates that a food supplement may contain a maximum of 25 micrograms of vitamin D per daily dose.

Vegan vitamin D3

The vitamin D3 from Ovabalance is completely vegan and is therefore called vitamin D3V. Vitamin D3V is produced from algae.

Because vegan vitamin D3 is extracted from algae instead of sheep wool, there is no chance of residual pesticides. So you can use this supplement with confidence. Time to become the sunshine in your home again!

1 Wimalawansa, SJ, Razzaque, MS, & Al-Daghri, NM (2018). Calcium and vitamin D in human health: Hype or real?. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 180, 4–14. 2 https://www.voedingscentrum.nl/encyclopedie/vitamine-d.aspx)
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