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What to do in case of menopausal symptoms

Time to read 3 min

Menopause: some people walk through it calmly, while others experience one hot flash after another. Do you fall into the latter group and do you experience discomfort from menopause? Then we understand that you do not experience this period of your life as a pleasant one.

Menopausal symptoms can have a significant impact on your life. Fortunately, you don't have to endure these discomforts completely helplessly. There are plenty of ways to reduce this. Time to give your hormones a helping hand.

Taboos? We break them twice over!

Just like your period, menopause is a natural process in the female body. Your body is preparing for a new phase in your life, namely the phase in which your cycle stops. You no longer ovulate and your period stays away.

Yet, just like menstruation, there is a taboo on menopause. We don't talk about it: it is uncomfortable and society still seems to find the aging woman a complicated phenomenon.

Where there are taboos, there are fortunately also breakers. Presenter Caroline Tensen is such a breaker. She talks candidly about her transition in the documentary 'The Forbidden Word' .

Besides feeling very unhappy, her physical condition also changed a lot due to the raging hormones. She barely recognized herself and felt completely despondent. Yet she kept the complaints she experienced during the menopause to herself.

The hardest thing she found was that she no longer recognized herself and could no longer 'just' put her shoulder to the wheel. "I no longer had the strength to tackle things and talk to myself. That is very strange for someone who normally just keeps going and even shows up for work with broken limbs. I was so vulnerable that I no longer knew how to get through the day. Nothing was fun anymore, while I have all the ingredients in life to be happy. When you are in the middle of it, you think you will never be the same again. That is very frightening," the presenter tells RTL Nieuws.

Because Caroline was totally unprepared for this intense period and she felt very lonely, she made the documentary 'The Forbidden Word' together with her best friend. In the documentary you will not only hear Caroline's story, but also other women share their experiences with regard to the menopause. The documentary can be seen onVideoland .

What exactly is menopause?

In menopause, you experience the last years of your menstruation. Your menstruation gradually becomes more irregular and the frequency with which you have your period decreases. There are fewer ovulations and your cycle is no longer what it used to be. You can theoretically still get pregnant in this phase, although the chance is small, because you ovulate less often.

Only when you have not menstruated for at least a year, you are through the menopause and you know for sure that menopause has occurred. Menopause is a woman's last menstruation and occurs on average at the age of 51 [1]. Do you still lose blood from the vagina after this year? Then that is always a reason to visit your GP, because it is now very likely no longer a menstruation.

Discomforts during menopause

During menopause, women often experience certain symptoms. For example, you may experience hot flashes, mood swings or sleep problems as a result of the disturbed balance in hormones. Hot flashes can also manifest as night sweats.

Be the boss of your hormones: support for menopausal symptoms

It is important that you do not remain stuck with your menopausal symptoms. You can always ask your family doctor for help. He or she will investigate what is bothering you and think along with you to find a solution.

Do you want to have a positive influence on your hormone balance? Then you can also look at natural solutions. In any case, make sure that you exercise well, eat healthy and give your body enough rest. In addition, you can take menopause supplements to get your hormones more in balance.

These (vegan) supplements are available at Ovabalance. Not sure where to start? Then take a look at the Menopause Advantage Bundle . This is specially composed for women with discomforts related to menopause.

Herbal tea during menopause

Are you a tea lover? Menopause Comfort Tea contains various herbs, including sage, which contribute to a comfortable feeling during the menopause. Do not drink it very hot, but let it cool down a bit (hot drinks can cause hot flashes).

Don’t let menopause rule your life; it’s time to enjoy life again!

Tip: book about hormone balance

In addition to the previously mentioned viewing tip, we also have a reading tip. The book ' Hormone Balance for Women ' by Ralph Moorman and Barbara Havenith gives you the right information to understand your hormones a little better. Also interesting for your daughter or sister, for example.


[1] Thuisarts.nl

Headache during menopause

Complaints during menopause