Zorg voor ontspanning bij stress

Which supplements can you take when you are stressed?

Time to read 3 min

Stress , everyone knows it and everyone suffers from it at some point. In fact, research shows that three out of four people experience moments of stress to a reasonable or high degree every month.

It can no longer be denied that stress is a threat to public health. But how do we signal stress and what can we do in the event of stressful moments?

What is stress?

Stress is actually nothing more than tension. Is tension also bad for you? No! You even need a healthy dose of tension to function well. It makes you alert and on edge. Ready to act well. Not bad for an important presentation or an exam.

Stress only becomes a nuisance when you experience stressful moments more often and they start to get in your way.

Stressful situations

You may notice that you are becoming somewhat forgetful, that you are restless or that you have tension in your body. You may react more irritably or emotionally. These are all signals that you are dealing with stress. Normally, stress also decreases when the cause of the tension is removed. Think of an exam, for example. That is a stressful moment for almost everyone. Is the exam over and do you feel good about it? Then your feelings of tension will also have disappeared like snow in the sun.

What you need to prevent is that your stress hormones do not get the time to break down sufficiently, before the next stressful moment presents itself. Stress moment after stressful moment can cause the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your blood to rise. So relax in time and give your body time to de-stress.

De-stressing: how do you do that?

It is easier said than done: relax. When you are busy, it is very difficult to actually switch off your mind. However, you can prepare yourself for a busy period.

For example, make a list of activities that calm you down. When the stress is too high, take your list and choose an activity to calm down again.

Taking good care of yourself through healthy food and enough exercise also helps to stay zen. Think of a few easy and healthy dishes that you can fall back on or freeze a few fresh meal soups. That way the temptation of a quick (bad) bite is less big.

Supplements for times of stress

Certain vitamins also help with stressful situations . For example, do you know that you are sensitive to stress? Then take a look at the following supplements that you can use as a good addition to your healthy diet:

Magnesium supplement . Magnesium is a real powerhouse. It supports your energy level and helps with fatigue. Nice, because people who experience moments of stress will also be tired faster. Magnesium is also good for the mood, concentration and memory.
The more physical or mental stress , the more magnesium you use. And with lower magnesium levels in your cells, you are more sensitive to stress . This is how you end up in a vicious circle.

Vitamin B12 melt tablets . Vitamin B12 contributes to a healthy immune system, supports your mood and contributes to your mental resilience. It also supports your learning ability, concentration and memory. And it contributes to reducing fatigue. Vitamin B12 is also a nutrient that you need to keep at a good level.

Zinc supplement . Zinc contributes to normal resistance to stress . And it supports you when stressful situations do occur. Zinc helps with mental pressure and effort and keeps your mind clear.
Incidentally, zinc is also good for normal hormone balance, it contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. And zinc also contributes to normal fertility and reproduction. An additional benefit.

Vitamin C supplements . Vitamin C helps with fatigue and contributes to mental resilience. Not an unnecessary luxury in a stressful situation.

Advantage bundle

Stressed about which supplements to take in case of stress? Not at Ovabalance. The advantage bundles allow you to benefit from the combination of the different supplements. You will know which supplements work well for your health goal. The supplements support each other and you are sure of the correct dosages.

All Ovabalance supplements are vegan, so you can use them without feeling guilty.

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