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Nutrition during menopause: what does your body need?

Time to read 3 min

Healthy food helps you feel good about yourself. How can you help your body during menopause with the right food? Do you eat certain things extra? Or do you avoid certain nutrients? In this article you can read how your metabolism changes during menopause and what your body needs. Finally, we will tell you more about the use of nutritional supplements during this phase of your life.

What changes in your metabolism during menopause?

Your metabolism ensures that nutrients are converted into energy. The faster your metabolism works, the more calories you burn. Your metabolism changes continuously throughout your life. Also during menopause. The hormonal changes that you go through during menopause cause a slower metabolism. Your body burns calories more slowly. This can mean that you gain some weight during menopause, even though you are not eating more or are eating unhealthier.

Nutrition and menopause

Eating healthy is important to maintain a healthy weight during menopause. Good nutrition also supports the health of your strong bones. This is increasingly important as you get older and especially when you enter menopause. The hormone estrogen plays an important role when it comes to your bone health. And that is a hormone that is produced a lot less from the moment the menopause starts.

To keep your bones healthy, make sure you include enough dairy products in your diet. Have several portions of milk and yoghurt a day, as well as two slices of cheese and extra vitamin D. It is also good for your health to eat enough vegetables and fruit. To get healthy fats, also regularly choose fatty fish, unroasted nuts or avocado in your meals.

Exercising during menopause

In addition to healthy eating, staying active is also good for you. Women aged 50 or older who do not exercise have a 10% lower resting metabolism than women who do exercise 1 . This amounts to about 600 fewer calories per week that you burn when you are not exercising 1 . That does make a difference. So exercising is important. In short: keep moving to keep your metabolism active and your weight healthy.

Menopause and nutritional supplements

Taking a vitamin D3 supplement is good for maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin D contributes to the proper absorption of calcium from your diet. A good addition to a vitamin D3 supplement is its partner: vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 also contributes to maintaining strong bones. By taking vitamin D3 and K2 together, you support your bone health.

During the menopause, minerals can also provide you with extra support. For example, consider magnesium , which, like vitamin D3 and K2, plays a role in maintaining strong bones.

Natural support during menopause

OvaBalance has developed a supplement especially for you, which supports you during the menopause: Ovabalance Menoformula . The Menoformula contains the plant extracts black cohosh, Kudzu, Maca and hop extract. The hop extract can help with better sleep* and reduce irritable feelings*, because it has a calming effect. Black cohosh supports your body with night sweats*, mood swings* and hot flashes*.

*Health claim pending European approval

Do you like drinking tea?

A nice cup of warm tea also supports your body during the menopause. Take the Menopause Comfort Tea with 100% natural ingredients. The sage in the tea contributes to a comfortable feeling during the menopause* and both the lemon balm and camomile help you to relax more easily*.

*Health claim pending European approval

What would you rather leave out during menopause?

While certain foods are good to eat during menopause, there are also foods that are best avoided.

Spicy or hot spices can trigger hot flashes, so be careful adding red pepper, ginger or curry to your dish;

Alcohol and caffeine can keep you awake or disrupt your sleep pattern. Many women experience sleep problems during menopause and you don't want to exacerbate that. So be careful with alcohol and caffeinated drinks such as coffee, energy drinks and cola;

Too much sugar or salt is never good for the body, but especially now during menopause you would do well to take this into account.


  1. Knowledge Base Service Pharmacy

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