Waar zit vitamine D3 in

What is vitamin D3 in?

Time to read 2 min

Vitamin D: an important vitamin for maintaining healthy bones, teeth and muscles and a supporting force for your immune system. You know that you need sufficient vitamin D for your health. But where do we get our vitamin D3 from? In which foods is vitamin D3 found?

Vitamin D produced by the sun

Vitamin D is produced in the skin, under the influence of sunlight. It is therefore recommended to sit in the sun with your head and hands for 15 to 30 minutes (between 11:00 and 15:00) every day. Nice advice, but when you are confined to the Netherlands or Belgium, it is quite a job. The sun power is not very strong here every day. Fortunately, you can also absorb vitamin D3 from food or supplements.

Vitamin D3 in your food

Vitamin D is not naturally found in many food products and sunlight is therefore your most important source of this vitamin; but it does occur in small amounts in food. Vitamin D occurs in two different forms in our food. Namely vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Want to know more about the difference between vitamin D and D3 ? Read it in our previously written blog.

Where vitamin D2 comes from plant-based nutrients, vitamin D3 is found in animal products. Think of fish , meat , eggs , but also margarine and low-fat margarine. Fatty fish is by far the largest source of vitamin D3. Such as salmon, eel, mackerel, sprat or herring. If you don't mind a piece of fish, we recommend going for organically farmed fish. These fish get enough space to swim, live in clean water and only eat organic fish food. This food may not contain artificial hormones that you would otherwise get in your body.

Of course, it could be that you eat little or no animal products. This means that you also get less vitamin D through food. Even less, because as mentioned before: the sun is the most important instigator for our body to switch to our own natural vitamin D3 production. Fortunately, there are now vitamin D3 supplements that are completely vegan, which you can use as a supplement to your healthy diet and lifestyle. This way you ensure that your vitamin D level remains at the right level.

Vegan D3 Vitamins

At OvaBalance, all supplements are vegan. So you can enjoy the benefits of the supplements with peace of mind. The vitamin D3 or vitamin D3&K2 from Ovabalance is also called D3V. Vitamin D3V is produced from algae. It has been shown that D3V is chemically identical to vitamin D3. Because the vegan vitamin D3 is extracted from algae, instead of the usual sheep's wool, the chance of residual pesticides is also completely absent.
In short, vitamin D3 can be obtained in various ways. Whether you choose to overwinter in Spain or additional supplements. Your body will thank you!

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