Welke vitamine D in de overgang is het meest effectief?

Which vitamin D is most effective in menopause?

Time to read 1 min

Supplements can make the menopause a bit more bearable. We previously wrote a blog about which supplements really help during the menopause. Vitamin D is one of them. Not surprising, because this vitamin is a real all-rounder. Time to put it in the spotlight and answer the question in the title: "Which vitamin D is the most effective during the menopause?".

Vitamin D2 or D3?

We understand that all that vitamin D can be quite confusing. However, there is a significant difference between vitamin D2 and D3 . The biggest difference between these two vitamins D is that vitamin D3 is better absorbed by the body and therefore much more effective than vitamin D2. Also during menopause you will benefit more from vitamin D3 than from vitamin D2.

Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K

Vitamin D3 and vitamin K are a duo that you can't say U against. Because these two vitamins both play an essential role in calcium metabolism, they complement each other well. Together they support the prevention of various diseases and they also help with complaints during the menopause. It can therefore absolutely do no harm to take these vitamins in the right dosage.

Vegan vitamins at Ovabalance
At Ovabalance we offer vitamin D3 vegan capsules. This allows you to be kind to yourself, but also to the animals and your environment. The Ovabalance Vegan Vitamin D3 uses a completely plant-based variant of vitamin D3. Namely vitamin D3V. Vitamin D3V is produced from algae. It has been shown that D3V is chemically identical to vitamin D3. Because the vegan vitamin D3 is extracted from algae and not from sheep's wool, there is no chance of residual pesticides.

In addition to the vitamin D3 capsules, there is also a liquid Vitamin D3&K2 supplement. These drops contain vegan vitamin D3 as well as the best form of vitamin K2. The drops are easy to dose and take. On a spoon or add to a glass of water, for example.

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