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10 tips against hair loss in women

Time to read 5 min

Hair loss, unfortunately we as women, but also as men suffer from it daily. Some more than others. At first, having hair loss is not a reason to panic, it is a fact that we lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs per day. This seems a lot, but it is not when you consider that we have more than 100,000 hair follicles on our scalp.

Men generally accept it more easily when their hair becomes thinner and falls out. Baldness in men is something we see quite often and seems to be more socially accepted.

This is in contrast to hair loss in women. Is your hair becoming significantly thinner and is this causing bald spots? At Ovabalance we are happy to discuss the causes of hair loss with you and give you 5 tips on what to do about hair loss for women.

Causes of hair loss

Hair loss can have various causes. Below we have explained a few.


Stress is a common cause of hair loss. Stress is not bad at first, we all experience it sometimes and it makes us work efficiently with our time. However, if you do not compensate for the stress with enough relaxation, the stress will take over. Physically and mentally you are exhausted and that in turn affects the hormonal balance.

Crash diets

It is common for women to be very concerned with their weight. The tendency to starve yourself to lose a few pounds quickly is lurking. Crash diets are never the solution to losing weight and also cause a shortage of nutrients. The thyroid gland suffers from this, which also does not benefit hair health. This can eventually lead to excessive hair loss.

By the way: Crash diets can affect the thyroid gland, but thyroid disease can also be the cause of hair loss.


It may not be the cause you want to hear, but hair loss in women can be hereditary. Ask your parents or family if they also suffer from thin hair or hair that falls out in large amounts. Often, with a hereditary form of hair loss, you see that you get bald spots on your head.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal hair loss is caused by fluctuations in hormone balance and a sudden drop/increase of hormones in the body.

These hormonal fluctuations occur, for example, during menopause, but also during and after pregnancy, when estrogen levels drop.

In addition, PCOS can be the cause of hair loss. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that occurs in approximately 10% of women of childbearing age. Symptoms that come with it are:

No or irregular menstruation (less than 8 times per year);

Mood swings;


Having difficulty losing weight or gaining weight more easily;

Excessive hair;

And also hair loss.

Women with PCOS often have increased DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a stronger form of male hormone. This hormone plays a role in hair loss and baldness because it causes a hair follicle to die sooner.

Tips against hair loss in women

Despite the different causes, there are also a number of tips that we would like to give you when it comes to hair loss in women. We give you tips below:

If you would like to read these and more hair loss tips at a later time, download the free e-book directly below:

1. De-stress

Do you think stress is the cause of your hair loss? Then this is a warning that it is time to take a step back. Don’t bite off more than you can chew and relax! It is so important for both your physical and mental health to relax regularly.

Could you use some help with this? Take a look at additional supplements for stressful situations . Vitamin B12* has a beneficial effect on reducing fatigue and listlessness. And magnesium is also good for your mood, memory and concentration.

2. Good balance in your diet

Of course, healthy nutrition also plays a role. If you are healthy on the inside, this also radiates to the outside. Getting the right nutrients is very important, both for your health and for maintaining hair growth.

Proteins that you find in meat and eggs are important, for example. But especially getting enough omega 3 fats is often underestimated. Vegetarians and vegans in particular have more trouble with this. Supplements are an ideal addition.

For example, taking Algenolie Omega 3 helps to get enough omega 3 fats and a vitamin B12 melt tablet helps to get enough B12, without having to eat animal products.

3. Sufficient vitamins

Not only getting enough nutrients, but also vitamins can keep your hair growth healthy. Check with yourself if you get enough vitamins, if not, then taking Vitamin B supplements may help.

4. Organic soap

Harmful hair products can also affect your hair growth. For example, many shampoos contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which makes the shampoo foam. Many women think this is a good thing, but SLS can also be too aggressive for your scalp.

So also check the ingredients list of your shampoo. Is it really as good for your hair as the product makes it seem? With our organic shampoo you can be sure that you are kind to your locks. Of course completely free of hormone disrupting substances.

5. Hairformula, Saw Palmetto or zinc supplements

Zinc * contributes to normal hair growth and contributes to the maintenance of normal skin.

Saw Palmetto also known as saw palmetto is a palm species that mainly occurs in the southeastern United States. Saw palmetto is processed as a supplement as saw palmetto extract.

Saw Palmetto complex consists of 4 natural substances: saw palmetto**, milk thistle, nettle leaf and pumpkin seed extract.

Saw palmetto contributes to normal hair growth** and milk thistle supports the cleansing function of the liver**

The Hairformula complex consists of nine real nutrients. Including biotin, zinc and selenium. Zinc and selenium contribute to normal hair growth.

And zinc also contributes to the maintenance of normal nails. Nice bonus!

We have put the other tips in a handy ebook! You can download it for free by filling in the form below, you will receive the ebook immediately.

Due to legislation regarding health claims, we cannot provide extensive information about the ingredients in Ovabalance supplements. In accordance with legislation, we keep information about supplementation separate from the promotion of our products. If something is unclear and you have a question, please feel free to contact us .

*Approved health claims
**Health claim evaluation is ongoing

Always read up on the subject

Before you start with any of our tips and supplements, read all the information carefully and check whether the supplements are compatible with any medications. If the hair loss is extreme and you have already tried all of these tips, contact your GP for a specific examination. Of course, you can always contact us if you have any questions!

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