Vrouw met menstruatiepijn

What to do with menstrual discomfort?

Time to read 4 min

Every month we deal with it again: Menstruation and for some the menstrual discomforts that come with it. What can you do yourself to get through it a bit pleasantly?

One person suffers from mood swings, another has tense breasts or perhaps binge eating. Despite the fact that you are happy with your regular cycle and this sign of fertility, you should also pay attention to the discomforts surrounding your period. It is not just something that the female body has to endure every month.

Are your hormones raging and do you want to know what to do about menstrual discomfort? With the tips in this article below, you will get through your period unscathed.

First of all: What exactly is menstruation?

Every month an egg is released. This happens during ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, your body will shed the uterine lining through the vagina. That uterine lining is the blood you see and this monthly process is called menstruation. This sounds like something simple, but this process is actually quite complex. In addition, it has a lot of influence on your body and mind.

Menstruation facts

Did you know that you lose about two glasses of blood per month?

Or that Walt Disney already made a film about menstruation in 1940?

That polar bears are strongly attracted to used tampons?

That menstruation literally means monthly?

And to top it all off: there are 5000 euphemistic names for menstruation in the world! Calling a spade a spade seems a bit difficult for today's society

Menstruation isn't dirty!

Okay, first the following: your period is not dirty or something you should be ashamed of. Your period is part of you and that also means that you can talk about it openly. Menstruating and you want to complain about it? Shout it from the rooftops, discuss it at the coffee machine at work or send out a tweet. It is bizarre that there is still such a taboo on menstruation (blood) these days.

'Menstrual blood is the only source of blood that is not traumatically induced. Yet in modern society, this is the most hidden blood, the one so rarely spoken of and almost never seen, except privately by women'. -Judy Grahn

Of course, not being ashamed of your period doesn’t mean you shouldn’t suffer from it. Many women experience discomfort during their period. This can be physical or mental discomfort. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to balance your hormones and get your cycle on track.

What to do about menstrual discomfort:


We are quickly inclined to always keep going. And this also in the week that you menstruate. However, your body is at full speed during menstruation. There are many changes going on and that costs energy. So don't be frustrated when your daily activities do not go as smoothly as usual. You get tired a bit faster and probably also irritated. Make it easy on yourself and really look at your priorities. Will the world end if you postpone that one task to next week? No? Then do it!

Schedule some extra time for self-care this week, because relaxation helps you get through your period more comfortably[1]. Even if it's just 10 minutes. Listen to music or read a book. All ways to relax, make yourself happier and do something about those annoying menstrual discomforts.

You could also do some relaxation exercises for the lower back or ask someone to massage your lower back. Orgasms with or without penetration; with or without a partner, also help. They help release pain-relieving hormones: endorphins and oxytocin.

Heat therapy during your period

Taking a warm bath or placing a hot water bottle on your abdomen is often experienced as pleasant during menstruation[1]. This helps to improve blood flow and relieve discomfort.

A natural solution for menstrual discomfort

Often, we reach for painkillers when the discomfort of menstruation becomes too much for us. This can be a solution, but taking a few Ibuprofen a month can be harmful to your stomach. Fortunately, there are also many natural ways to get your menstrual discomfort under control.

Ovabalance has a wide range of products that offer support for menstrual discomfort. One example is the Period Power tea. This tea contains several calming herbs that help your body relax. In addition, the tea is completely free of caffeine. So your sleep is not disturbed by it.

Wondering if supplements can be an addition to your daily diet? Read more about it in this article .

Although we tend to eat the whole candy jar empty during menstruation, it is still extra wise to leave it alone. Sugar raises your blood sugar level and an increased blood sugar level confuses your hormones. Keep your blood sugar level in balance by eating enough proteins and healthy fats.

You should also avoid alcoholic beverages. Especially in the second phase of your cycle. Drink lots of water. Carbonated beverages increase the chance of retaining fluid, so just choose (tap) water.

Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of iron and have a positive effect on your intestines. And yes, the best of the bunch... chocolate. Just because it tastes good, but also because it contains magnesium and antioxidants and can relieve cramps. Of course, eat it in small quantities and preferably the pure variety.

Hopefully, the above tips have helped you a little with your menstrual discomfort. If you have any questions, you can always send a message to customer service . We are happy to help you!

Want to know more about menstruation?

PS Want to know more about your period? Then take a look at this book . Oh, and pass this book on to your father, brother, friend and neighbor ;).

Due to legislation regarding health claims, we cannot provide extensive information about the ingredients in OvaBalance supplements. In accordance with legislation, we keep information about supplementation separate from the promotion of our products. If something is unclear and you have a question, please feel free to contact us .


[1] Thuisarts.nl

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