
Which supplements support menstrual discomfort?

Time to read 1 min

Your cycle is accompanied by hormonal changes and associated menstrual discomfort . Every day is different and your menstrual cycle is no different. The ratios between the hormones in your body are constantly changing. Many women experience an imbalance, especially during or just before menstruation begins.

Menstrual discomfort

Women who are menstruating, or about to start menstruating, experience discomforts such as tender breasts, mood swings or binge eating. It is not without reason that in some other countries women are now given menstrual leave from work when they are menstruating. In the Netherlands, this topic is also discussed every now and then: women miss an average of 9 days per year due to menstrual discomfort [1].

Leave or not, every month you have to deal with your period . And you can't just get rid of that period. In a healthy and ideal situation, it will return monthly throughout your entire fertile life. A woman's fertile period runs from her first period to menopause. And interfering with the menstrual cycle in an unnatural way, such as is possible with the contraceptive pill, is not something every woman is looking forward to.

How can I avoid discomfort during my period as much as possible?

To keep your hormones in balance as best as possible and to get through your period in a balanced way, it is first and foremost important to take good care of your body:


Eat healthy and varied;

Drink enough;

Keep moving enough;

Make sure you get enough sleep.

Do you need some extra support? Natural food supplements can complement a healthy and varied diet.

Supplements to Support Menstrual Discomfort

Menstrual supplements can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle and keeping your hormone balance in balance.

Take for example Menstrual support with vitex agnus castus(1) and Dong Quai specially developed for discomfort around menstruation*. It contributes to a normal hormone balance* and helps with mood swings during the menstrual cycle*.

Ovabalance chooses really good supplements with the highest quality ingredients, in the right proportions and dosages. And they also contain the best absorbable nutrients. The supplements are of course also free of unnecessary additives and all vegan, lactose and gluten free.

Due to legislation regarding health claims, we cannot provide extensive information about the ingredients in Ovabalance supplements. In accordance with legislation, we keep information about supplementation separate from the promotion of our products. If something is unclear and you have a question, please feel free to contact us .

(1)Vitex agnus castus
* Health claim pending European approval



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